I know you've all been waiting for it (like you wait for a dental cleaning haha), I'm finally back from Mexico City and my 1st International Convention. It was just as I imagined it. I included the photos I took from days 1 and 2 here's the general rundown:
The Grand Plaza Zocalo a half block from our hotel. This church and plaza are built on top of indigenous ruins. The pavement in front of the church has plexiglass panels you can see the ruins underneath. Look at the size of that flag! |
Day 1: arrive around lunch. From the moment we landed we were completely taken care of. Greetings at the airport by traditionally dressed brothers/sisters then bus shuttle to our hotels. We stayed at Central Zócalo and the brothers had a table set up in the lobby and were there 24/7 to attend to our needs through the duration. Gave us all a welcome gift, then we went to dinner right over the grand plaza. Didn't get a picture, but I had an amazing meal of chicken breasts with cheese and zucchini flowers baked inside, covered with poblano chile sauce. Early night since we were up at like 3 a.m. for the plane. Yes, I stole the shower caps, coffee, and toiletries EVERY day and yes, I moaned a little bit when I got into the hot shower.
Day 2: breakfast at the hotel (amazing! tamales, chilaquiles, bread for days, hot chocolate) then service with the Lagunilla Congregation. I worked with a delightful sister, Ruth, and her teenage daughter. Those Mexicans meant business...I had to get right to the point when preaching...so I had to brush off some U.S. skills. I got a nice r.v. I turned over to the local congregation. Then they provided lunch for us....pozole (the thing that looks like red soup) mmmmmmm with all the fixin's. Delegates and local brothers gave experiences, and we each got a gift of an engraved pen from the congregation; so sweet! Then we were bussed off to the Assembly Hall where we were treated to a lively cultural program. Kids and adults sang Kingdom Melodies, interviews were done with local C.O.'s, and a 4-string quartet interpreted some favorite songs. Outside was an exhibit from each state in Mexico; in each, we had a gift waiting and a photo op. Then we had a formal sit-down dinner with ANOTHER show. Our brothers are soooo talented! They had traditional mariachi and some beautiful dancing. Truly a wonderful night. If the video below doesn't melt you heart, well, I don't think you have one...
Stay tuned for the rest of the trip!