
Monday, April 1, 2013


A is for almíbar.  What is it?  The picture doesn't do it justice.  It's basically fruit boiled with brown sugar (dulce) and water until it makes a honey-type consistency.  Tradition here during Semana Santa (Holy Week) which just ended yesterday is to make this for your family and hang out on the beach.  My former neighbor sent some to me on Saturday and is was heavenly!  The type she made me above is papaya, jocote, and mango pieces.  They literally melt in your mouth.  Since they're super sweet, alternatively you can pair it with a Nicaraguan cheese called cuajada (salty ,moist and crumbly).  Calláte vos!

The magazine Nicaragua Actual has a great photo online of different almíbar varieties.


  1. What a great new (to me) A word as well as a yummy dessert!
    Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn

  2. That looks delicious! Thanks for sharing.

  3. It is probably close our Malay halwa, mainly of fruits like papaya, guava, pineapple or jackfruit that are cooked and then preserved in a lot of sugar. For photos, google images of "halwa betik" ... betik for papaya, and the result give beautiful images of papaya halwa. Interesting word choice right.

    1. I DID Google interesting! Isn't it interesting to see overlaps in two countries worlds away from each other?! What a beautiful blog you have, by the way. The trip you did sounds very exciting. Are you still in the process or back in Malaysia now?

  4. Looks so good. I'm looking forward to reading about Nicaragua, we were considering it as a place to move to but Brazil won in the end.

    1. Brazil has always been one of those places I'd love to visit. Maybe I'll get there some day....

  5. I'm a fan of a new A word! Thanks!

  6. It does look kinda weird, but I would love to try it sometime! An experience to look forward to.
