
Friday, November 1, 2013


The most exciting thing happened to Shelina and I yesterday.  We have been feeling so glum that everyone we know in the States has gotten a new English Bible and we just had a PDF to read.  Don't get me's been amazing to hear everyone's stories of the Annual Meeting and see pix of their new Bibles, but it's not quite the same as having the real thing, you know?!  That's why when we went to visit our friends the Solowiejkos who just got back from the States, we were shocked and excited for THIS.....

 And yes, I am smug that I'm all the way in Nicaragua and still get to read the new Bible without having to go to the States first.

Here's a gratuitous shot of my niece Camellia with her new Bible.  I swear she's the cutest kid ever!


  1. Which also means that 2 other need greaters will be happy when I give them the bibles I got for you!

  2. It really is such a good translation. Very fresh and modern to today's language. I'm no direct translator, but I know enough to have looked up some of the changes they made ... and it makes SO MUCH SENSE that they changed it the way they have. My only problem at this point is that I have a hard time reading the smaller print.

    When they announced that we would receive a new STUDY BIBLE with LARGE MARGINS ... My head just about exploded. LOL I seriously did a fist pump in my seat.

    Jehovah is ever mindful of his Need Greaters and servants who are Alien Residents in a foreign land. I'm hearing experiences from all over how although out in a remote area ... somehow ... someway ... Jehovah got native English speakers a copy of this new Bible.

    And yes ... too cute a kid ... LOL

    1. I hadn't heard that yet about the study Bible with large margins. I'm just waiting for it to come out in Spanish. Once that happens I'm just taking it, my water, and my r.v. book with me in service. My back is going to thank me.
