
Saturday, December 21, 2013


I wanted to do a separate section for the animals and modes of transportation frequently seen in our territory.  Last week in the "God's Will" brochure, it mentioned that missionaries will often have to acclimate to rustic forms of transportation.  I'm not a missionary, but I've definitely seen some of that, and wanted to share it with you.  And the animals!  They are both a constant source of worry and joy for me here.  I've seen things done to animals here I could never talk to anyone but Jehovah about, but at the same time, the fact I get to be with them every day makes me so happy.  Here we go!
Rabbits of my student.  She has assured me they are pets not dinner.  Super sweet and love to be held.

My student has a little dog that's like Ollie's twin!  She even has some of her little personality traits.  Her name is Isi, and she makes me remember Mimi 10 years ago

Nindiri doesn't have taxis.  We have caponeras...guys who pedal covered bikes around town.  Poor things are always a sweaty mess when they're done transporting me around.

Horse and cart is still the #1 method of transporting goods in Nicaragua

Can you pick out the pelibuey in this picture?  It's like a cross between a goat and a sheep.

If you are a farmer here, you more than likely till your fields either by hand or with oxen.  They use Brahma bulls here which are big and POWERFUL.  I learned the yoke goes around their massive horns, not their necks.  That way, if they rebel, they can't move their heads around to gore anyone.

I met this woman in service last week.  She wanted me to see her land, and when we went in the backyard this little goat came running up to her bleeting.  She was saying, "Come on, Monchita!"  Soon as Monchita made it to her, she picked her up and gave her a snuggle.  I couldn't resist a picture and a little snuggle of my own :)

The same woman owned the biggest turkey I've ever seen.  Those are medium-sized dogs next to the turkey!


  1. Thanks so much for this. I wanted to try one of those "taxi's" while I was there!!...oh well, next time. I love the pics. I'm always taking shots of the dirty ragamuffin kids here, they are so cute I could just bring them all home. ;)...but I won't. Maybe that turkey will make its way to a plate near me soon??? I love turkey dinner!!!

    1. Amen, sister! I already told my family that when I'm home in January/February a couple weeks we HAVE to do turkey dinner together. So excited!

  2. Am I the only one who doesn't think that dog looks like Ollie? Love that goat though.

    1. doesn't look like Ollie any more than Shawn and I look like the same person.

    2. Har har har you girls think you're so funny. And if we don't look alike why are the deaf still giving me the stink eye thinking I'm just REFUSING to sign to them?!

    3. NOT Ollie. And you just deserve the stink eye. Period. Ps. This is Ade. I CANNOT remember my gmail password.
