Ezekiel & Diana at the English conv
Nazareth & Dennis
Today I checked out the Nica Sign Language group. There's a sister in my congregation who was in the first class they offered and she supports the group when they preach in Granada. She invited me last night at the meeting and I thought--why not? The congregation is based in Masaya about 15 minutes away but obviously the territory is quite large so everyday they're preaching in a new place.
Diana who is the sister above...she and her hubby come to the house quite a bit and she's determined to teach me NSL. She taught me a bunch of animal signs the other night and has taught me Jehovah and a couple other things. I remembered how to sign my name by spelling it out, but she told me a deaf person has to give me my sign to represent me. They are always the ones who choose it.
So today, we visited Dennis pictured above. He's studied in the past and has a good memory of basic truths. We showed him a video signing a story from the My Book of Bible Stories and it worked out well. We were talking about Paradise and I got to use some of the animal signs I remembered! Anyway...he gave me my sign! He said because my eyes and eyebrows are novelties for them I can make the sign for the letter "s" and circle it around my eye twice. Yeah!!
Supposedly, the branch might be offering another class in NSL soon because a lot of the friends who went to the 1st class didn't stay in the congregation. Hmmmm, something to think about...
What a nice sign...you do have beautiful eyes! (And I suppose it's better than circling your butt which would be my other feature of choice.) Hey, aren't you glad I figured out how to post comments? :)